What WorkApps is looking for with this product is that the candidates who acquire it have various resources that favor and facilitate processes such as: publicizing their government program, contacting the community, receiving applications, presenting their campaign and the progress of the same.
This is a section of the web page, it has been created so that the candidates can more clearly expose the proposals and goals for each of the sectors they want to strengthen.
These spaces on the website are aimed at making the community part of the electoral campaign, so that they can leave their suggestions or concerns, as well as apply to be part of other spaces within the community where they can contribute to the campaign. In these sections, the participants filled out their personal data, they will select the sector where they reside and they will choose an area alluding to the proposal or concern they are raising.
This product has a platform that will register each of the people who enter the web page, likewise this tool supports the management of campaign data, grouping them into categories or areas and displaying them in an interactive histogram.